Thursday, August 28, 2008

technology related blog

The assignment is to talk about anything related to technology. Well, I have to admit I've always thought of blogging and using a lot of the new technologies as kind of, well,.. fluffy or not really useful,... kind of a waste of time. That was until my brother-in-law created his blog. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this summer at the age of 42. He started his blog soon after his diagnosis, and has continued to add posts almost daily throughout chemo, radiation, and most recently, a major surgery. He has a very large family which is spread out all over the world, and talking to everyone who would be interested in his progress would have been impossible. But through his blog, he is able to keep everyone informed of his progress, feelings, and thoughts about the ordeal. He has three pre-teen children, and he often talks about what activities he is doing with them and how it feels to try to deal with his illness and also stay positive for his kids and attend boy scout meetings and ballet recitals, in between doctor appointments and work.

He has mentioned many times that blogging is very therapeutic for him. He has been able to network with people all over the world who have experienced the same disease, treatments, tests, etc... He also posts diagrams of different things related to his cancer so people can see what he is describing, as well as pictures of himself, the hospital, and most recently, the giant incision from his surgery... If anyone is interested, the link is
and the name of the blog is "I'm Not Dead Yet" (he has a great sense of humor which isn't necessarily for everyone...).

Monday, August 25, 2008

mashup experiment

I think... I created a mashup. Or at least started one. I used the "trip planner", and plotted out my upcoming vacation. I suppose it will actually become a mashup when I return and add my pictures... ???;_ylt=ArrHPAZiyD4y.5vyPxANC8VSfMgF

flickr assignment

So I'm linking to this picture because I will soon be here! I'm going to Greece, Egypt, Italy, and Turkey in November. Then I can post my own pictures on to my brand new Flickr account!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

7 & 1/2 Habits tutorial

I just finished the tutorial, and I think the easiest habit for me is going to be creating the "learning toolbox". We are lucky that we have CML to support us in our community. There are books and technology available here to use, and we have access to timely classes. I also have a couple mentors who are encouraging me along the way.

The hardest habit is going to be "using technology to my advantage". Although I'm fairly young and am always enthusiastic about anything new at CML, I have recently been feeling "old" when it comes to new and emerging technologies. I don't own and mp3 player, we don't have Tivo at my house... and I am already nervous about this whole video blogging thing!